The MGM Institute of Health Science, Maharashtra conducted a study on 100 hysterectomies in 2018-2019. Blood loss was observed in 4% of the cases with laparoscopic hysterectomy, versus 6% with open hysterectomy. Moreover, around 23 lakh women receive hysterectomy each year in India. Hysterectomy refers to the surgical elimination of the womb (uterus).

Various types of hysterectomies are performed using different approaches. The most reliable approach is that of minimal invasion used effectively in laparoscopic hysterectomy. It ensures minimal complications and a faster recovery. The surgery usually takes one to three hours and is performed under general anaesthesia. It is most widely used to treat uterine conditions and endometrial cancer. Here is everything you should know about laparoscopic hysterectomy before you go for it.

Things to Learn About Laparoscopic Hysterectomy Before Trying It

How is the procedure performed?

There are basically three types of hysterectomy. These include total hysterectomy (eliminating your cervix and whole uterus), subtotal hysterectomy (eliminating only the upper section of your uterus) and radical hysterectomy (removing the upper section of your vagina, your cervix, your whole uterus and the uterine tissue).

The surgeon can use an open (traditional) approach or a minimally invasive approach for the process. Laparoscopic hysterectomy is a minimally invasive method, which is why it is preferred to the traditional approach. It is performed using a special tube (laparoscope) that has a camera. The surgeon inserts surgical devices into your belly through multiple tiny incisions and carries out the procedure by monitoring your uterus from outside.

Why do you need the procedure? 

Laparoscopic hysterectomy can eliminate your uterus with minimal surgical intervention. This procedure is usually used to treat the following conditions:

  • Uterine thickening or adenomyosis
  • Chronic pelvic pain
  • Irregular vaginal bleeding
  • Uterine fibroids which cause bleeding, pain or other signs
  • Endometrial cancer, ovarian cancer, uterine cancer, cervical cancer
  • Uterine prolapse (when your uterus slides from its original place to your vaginal canal)

What are the benefits over a major surgery?

An open or abdominal hysterectomy is a major surgery, with a long incision (of 5-7 inches) made horizontally or vertically across your abdomen. On the other hand, laparoscopic hysterectomy offers the following benefits:

  • Multiple small incisions instead of a long incision
  • Less scarring and pain
  • Less blood loss
  • Shorter recovery time and resuming of normal activities sooner
  • A briefer hospital stay
  • Lower risk of infection at the operated area
  • Fewer postoperative complications

Expectations after laparoscopic hysterectomy

After your hysterectomy, if the surgeon also removes the ovaries, you will undergo menopause. With the ovaries intact, menopause may arrive earlier than expected. Patients mostly find that the procedure can successfully treat their condition like unusually heavy menstrual periods. During the recovery time, don’t lift heavy objects or have intercourse up to six weeks after treatment.

If you develop a serious condition affecting your uterus which needs its removal immediately, book an appointment with the best gynaecologist in Delhi. You can receive laparoscopic hysterectomy if it is recommended to treat your condition.

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