Vaccination is implemented in babies to immunize their bodies from diseases such as polio, mumps, influenza, and hepatitis. While the reactions caused due to vaccination are rare, there can be some side effects. You need to consult a pediatrician if there are any signs of side effects. If not, there can be a severe allergic reaction that may also lead to anaphylactic shock.
In this article, let’s look at some of the common side effects of vaccination:
What are the common vaccination side effects?
One of the most common reactions after vaccination is pain, swelling, and redness in the vaccinated area. Sometimes, the normal temperature of the baby may rise too. Many children also tend to have diarrhea, may become fussy, develop a rash, start vomiting, and crying.
Generally, these reactions go away in a day or two. However, if they persist, it is best to then consult your child’s pediatrician at once.
Your baby can also show signs of the following severe reactions to vaccines, such as:
- Low platelet count
- Pneumonia
- Inflammation of the stomach
- Bleeding in gums, urine, or stool.
Some children may find it difficult to breathe and may turn pale. Many children also develop a rash that may turn purple overtime or get bruises that bleed. In such cases, it is best to see your child’s pediatrician at the earliest.
Can vaccination side effects be prevented?
Every child is unique, and their body tends to react differently. While some babies may not show any signs of side effects, others may show evident signs. However, you can take certain precautions prior to the vaccination to mull down the aftereffect of the vaccination. Here are some precautions to take:
- The first precaution of a vaccine reaction is to ensure that the baby is healthy during vaccination.
- Get a complete understanding of the possible reactions to the vaccine which is about to be administered to your child.
- Get a list of medications to begin in case of side effects seen.
- Inform the pediatrician about any earlier reactions the baby may have had to any vaccine or antibiotic.
- Certain vaccines contain egg protein; so, if your baby is allergic to egg, inform the pediatrician accordingly.
Many times, the child may develop a health problem around the time of a vaccine administration. This does not however show that the medical condition is because of immunization. Hence, it is crucial to know whether the medical condition is caused by the vaccine or not, before starting any other medical treatment or vaccination dosage.
Furthermore, if your baby hasn’t had reactions to any of the earlier vaccines, that doesn’t mean that it won’t have reactions to other vaccines. Every vaccine has a unique composition, and it is difficult to foretell how your baby’s body will take it. Hence, it is best to stay observant and look out for any early signs of vaccination side effects.
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